The Coastal Union Germany (EUCC-D) organized the first stakeholder meeting within the case study area of Peenemünde. Representatives of all involved interest groups participated and a regional network for the further development of a sustainable coastal angling tourism was established.

On March 29th 2017 the first German CATCH workshop took place on the peninsula of Peenemünde. Stakeholders from municipality authorities, angling associations, regional providers, tourism administrations, local fishery, environmental associations and scientific and educational institutions were participating.

Lectures about the aim of the project CATCH, sustainable development in general and the development opportunities for the local economy, by supporting a sustainable coastal angling tourism in the Baltic Sea Region, initialized the event. After a guided tour around the site of the local camp for recreational fishermen, perspectives and benefits of a sustainability strategy for the coastal angling tourism were discussed and examples for good and bad practices were identified.

Furthermore advantages of a label for recreational fishing in the Baltic Sea Region, taking sustainability concerns in social, economic and environmental aspects into consideration, were exposed.

Finally remaining gaps of knowledge arose, which should be considered within the CATCH project. For example an analysis of the value-added chain for the coastal angling tourism would be reasonable. Illustrating the possible economic impact for the regional development and demonstrating in which extent municipal investments can be worthwhile. On the other hand a precise definition of the potential target groups for the local angling tourism needs to be done.

In the End a stakeholder network for the further development of a sustainable coastal angling tourism was established, launching the collaboration between the single interest groups.

More information and the minutes of the meeting are available on the EUCC webpage.