The Interreg Project CATCH – Coastal Angling Tourism – a development chance for the South Baltic Region – invites you to its final conference on the 5 – 6 April 2019 in Dźwirzyno, Poland. The city is located directly at the Baltic Sea not far away from Szczecin and Kołobrzeg.

Angling experts and partners from Denmark, Poland, Lithuania and Germany will present a rich program of current trends, offers, local initiatives and marketing opportunities for sustainable coastal angling in the South Baltic Region. Best practices and guidelines for communities to raise the potential of regional coastal angling tourism will be discussed. 

With parallel practical workshops, a gallery of the winner photos of our ongoing photo competition and the opportunity for posters, the conference will also be a vivid platform for exchange and networking. On the second conference day all participants are invited to take part in a field trip to the Parsęta River and Kołobrzeg. 

For registration and more information on the agenda, please visit our website at

Please also visit our new multilingual platform at – your website for the next fishing holiday! with information on best fishing spots, lodging alternatives, fishing guides, boat rental services and more.