Founded in 1419, the University of Rostock (UROS) is one of the oldest Universities in Europe. The University belongs to the traditional German Universities with all four historic departments of jurisprudence, natural philosophy, medicine and theology. Currently, it hosts more than 15,000 students and offers more than 100 fields of study leading to the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, respectively. UROS is widely regarded as one of the most important intellectual hubs in northern Germany, where it serves as focal point of a rapidly developing region and provides considerable experience in managing numerous research contracts of national and international scope.

The University of Rostock is the Lead Partner of CATCH and as such responsible for the project office, the red thread and content related questions. The LP is also in charge of WP3 which is the analysis of the angling market. The objective is to figure out gaps between the needs of anglers and what service providers offer. Based on that improved activities for touristic providers to enhance their business, including best practice examples, will be provided.