Coastal angling tourism provides a unique development chance for the South Baltic Region, even outside the holiday season. It is a new touristic trend and offers a diversification of coastal tourism with promising market opportunities. Especially for less developed coastal regions this new trend can have great implications for regional development and the creation of new jobs. So far, however, angling tourism is an underdeveloped economic opportunity and a niche market in the South Baltic, it still widely relies on very local initiatives and angler-to-angler communication.
The mission of CATCH is to promote recreational angling through better information, target-oriented marketing and close cooperation between tourist offices, communes, angling associations and professional fishermen.
CATCH will increase the capability of coastal communities to establish sustainable angling tourism, deliver improved measures for touristic providers and will combine all new knowledge in an innovative information and knowledge platform on coastal angling tourism. The platform provides information for tourists and locals necessary for planning, booking and performing an angling trip to unique coastal sites. Moreover, the platform will be crucial for the exchange of knowledge and best practices as well as for the joint development of sustainable angling tourism guidelines for other interested coastal municipalities.