Good time for sea trout
September will start in a few days, and this is the last month in which you can fish for sea trout in the Polish rivers. The Polish [...]
Fishing South Baltic platform is now online
The test version of the Fishing South Baltic platform is now online, at
The CATCH Provider Survey Report
The CATCH Provider Survey Report - An Analysis of the Provider Side and Existing Offers on Coastal Angling Tourism in the South Baltic Region
Long queue to the CATCH project’s stand at the Fish Day 2018
Professor Krzysztof Skóra Hel Marine Station of the Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk together with partners (including the Green Federation "GAIA", a Polish partner of the [...]
Films promoting CATCH spots in the South Baltic region
We invite you to watch movies prepared by CATCH project partners.
CATCH workshops at the XXI Sea trout and Salmon Feasts
From July 7-8, 2018 took place nationwide fishing competition XXI Feast of Sea trouts and Salmon organized by Friends of Parsęta Association in cooperation with the Federation of Green Gaja as part of the CATCH project promotion.
New movie: How to make the sun shine in Lejre
In this movie you can find new inspiration for your next garfish dish.
Fishing on the school schedule
Going fishing when you are in school might sounds like a relaxing day in the nature, without any academic content, but nothing could be more wrong!
Coastal fishing and waste collection at Stevns Klint
In May Fishing Zealand was co-organizer of an event which involved both fishing and cleaning the beaches for plastic - called #PlasticInTheBasket
Fishing Zealand Magazine
In the 2018-edition of Fishing Zealand Magazine, you can read more about Fishing Zealand's ongoing work with developing sustainable fishing on Zealand, Denmark.
The CATCH project at the 9th International Fisheries Observer and Monitoring Conference (IFOMC)
The conference is the only one of its kind to specifically address issues relevant to observer programmes, beeing an important international forum for working and addressing issues on fisheries observer programmes, emerging monitoring technologies, and fishery dependent data collection.
South Baltic Annual Event 2018 in Klaipėda
This year, 150 representatives of 72 ongoing projects came together at the Annual Event dedicated to “Unlocking the potential of blue and green regional development” in Klaipėda, Lithuania, 23rd-24th of May. CATCH was represented by Rostock University and REM Consult.
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