Time for EU Member States to implement the Water Framework Directive for real
" The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is an ambitious and innovative piece of legislation that must not be weakened. This was the main message conveyed at a [...]
RecFishing Forum Conference: The Water Framework Directive Fitness Check and the protection of EU waters
"The next conference of the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment entitled ‘The Water Framework Directive Fitness Check and the protection of EU waters’ will take [...]
Workshops on fishing tourism at XII Troć Iny competition 2019
On 11-13 January there was a national fishing competition XII Troć Iny 2019 for the cup of the mayor of Goleniów, co-organized by the Green Federation "GAJA". [...]
Intergovernmental Science – Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
"In May 2019, representatives of 130 Governments will be presented, for discussion and possible approval , with a definitive new global synthesis of the state of nature, [...]
Final CATCH Conference
The Interreg Project CATCH – Coastal Angling Tourism - a development chance for the South Baltic Region – invites you to its final conference on the 5 - 6 April 2019 [...]
Evaluation of the Water Framework Directive: Public Consultation and Campaign
"The most comprehensive instrument of EU water policy, the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), is currently up for evaluation (‘fitness check’) to assess if is fit for [...]
New leaflets promoting the website fishingsouthbaltic.eu
Are you planning a fishing holiday in the South Baltic region? The Catch team has developed new flyer designs promoting the website www.fishingsouthbaltic.eu They are available in [...]
A joint NGO proposal to EU Ministers regarding European eel
On December 17th and 18th 2018 the EU Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) will decide on fishing opportunities for 2019 and will address measures for critically endangered European eel. [...]
The current political development in the Baltic Region
On Monday 3 December 2018 the Ministry of the Interior and Europe of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania invited to a discussion meeting to the state capital Schwerin. The topic [...]
AngelWelt Berlin
CATCH took the opportunity to present the new multilingual information platform www.fishingsouthbaltic.eu to a diverse group of anglers at the fair “AngelWelt” in Berlin, 30 November – [...]
Baltic Sea Tourism Forum
This year's Baltic Sea Tourism Forum was fused with the Latvian Toursim Forum in Riga, Estonia. A combination of events that ended up in an estonishing atmosphere of [...]
Photo competition”Fishing South Baltic #myCATCH”
The Photo competition will be held within the South Baltic Region. Countries participating are Denmark, Germany, Lithuania and Poland. The pictures taken within the competition are meant [...]
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