Our Baltic Conference – 28 September 2020
The Baltic Sea is severely affected by general threats likebiodiversity loss and climate change, and by specific local pressuressuch as eutrophication, overfishing, elevated levels of contaminantssuch as [...]
Vote now: Support Interreg projects from the Baltic Sea region to win EU-wide awards
NonHazCity is competing with five other projects in the Interreg 30 years Project Slam organised by Interact. The project, a flagship of the EU Strategy for the [...]
Interreg South Baltic Annual Event 2020
This year the Interreg South Baltic Programme decided to organise their Annual Event "Impact of Interreg funds on small regions" in digital format. Please save the date – 17 [...]
Feasibility study of the development of angling tourism and fishing sector in lithuanian seaside municipalities
Changing consumer behavior and lifestyles lead to increasing needs of tourists. The desire to get to know other cultures, gain unique experiences or acquire new skills encourages [...]
New publications of the CATCH project in Poland
We recommend the publication of the CATCH project (in Polish) - "Zrównoważona turystyka wędkarska na Zatoce Pomorskiej i Zalewie Szczecińskim" and " Przewodnik wędkarski po Zalewie Szczecińskim [...]
Check the results of a post-event evaluation survey of the CATCH project final conference
Results of a post-event evaluation survey of the CATCH project final conference are now available and can be chceck below: CONFERENCE_EVALUATION_REPORT
Cod population in the North Sea is in dire state, ICES reports
"Last week, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) published two gloomy catch advices for cod in the North Sea and in the Kattegat. [...]
There is not enough cod in the Baltic Sea. Brussels introduces a ban on fishing
The ban on cod fishing in the Eastern Baltic Sea introduced by the European Commission on Tuesday will remain in force until the end of the year. [...]
Photo competition about sustainable coastal angling
Within the framework of the project CATCH a photo competition about sustainable recreational fishing at the Baltic Sea coast was organized. Now the winning submissions of our [...]
Information and educational boards of the CATCH project on the Szczecin lagoon
In 5 towns over the Szczecin lagoon, educational and information boards of the CATCH project were created. They inform about the specificity of a given fishery, they [...]
Removing Barriers to River Health
"While many large dams in North America deliver invaluable services—like critical water supplies, clean hydroelectric power, reduced flood risks and recreational opportunities—many more no longer serve their [...]
Holiday fishing from Baltic Sea – flatfish!
During angling holidays on the Baltic Sea, flat fish are very often caught. Below we present a description of this species and methods of fishing: Physiology and [...]
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